THursday night was Family Literacy Night at the kids school. Neither one of us really wanted to go but it seemed like the right thing to do even though I could cuddle up and read w/ my kids in the warmth of my couch with a blanket and not traipse throught the dead of winter to do it under the flourescent lights at 7:00 at night. The kids were looking forward to going so we went. I had to drag Drew. I knew it was going to be lame though and it was. First station was introducing us to the Smart Board. Apparently they were having technical difficulties and it wasn't working the way it should. Does it ever? Drew pointed out they did the same thing when he was a kid with felt boards.
The next station was cuddle up and read. We used it to get some water and go to the washroom.
The last station was karaoke. The instructor pointed out that reading isn't just for books but can be for fun too. ? My child (can you guess which one - hint the youngest out of grades K-5) held the microphone and sang the loudest. Now, I let my kids listen to popular tunes on the radio. That's cool. They sing a long to them mostly just the chorus and guess at the rest and have no idea what its really about. Have them read the lyrics and thats another thing entirely. All this comprehension stuff may actually help them to understand those words when read aloud. We were appalled at the chosen songs. SOng #1 Fire Burning. Here is a sample of the lyrics:
My pocket started tickling the way she drop it low that thang..
that body is a masterpiece, the order is one in every hundred years, but aint no doubt I'm taking it home...
she got that fire in the dance that'll make them fellas run around, no exit from the dance floor, some of them boys wan' more.
YOu get the idea. By this time our jaws were on the floor. THe proctor for the station was none other than the very teacher Leo had last year - the Greek Orthodox one at that!
The next song was I Gotta Feeling and goes somehting like this:
I know that we'll have a ball
If we get down and go out and just lose it all
I feel stressed out, I wanna let it go
Let's go way out spaced out and losing all control
Fill up my cup, mozoltov
Look at her dancing, just take it off
Let's paint the town, we'll shut it down
Let's burn the roof, and then we'll do it again
NO other parents seemed at the least bit shocked except our neighbor when Drew mentioned it said he didn't like it. Drew told him it was due to the decline of the church and he didn't agree at all. It was a night to remember I'll tell you.
Then Leo had his first sleepover last night. I didn't let him stay as I wasn't too comfortable just yet. We were told they would be watching Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs and it sounded like fun. We decided we would call around 9 to see where they were in the movie and go pick him up after the movie was over. Well, we didn't need to bc the mom gave a play by play of the night by posting updates on her FB - updates about all the liquor she was consuming and the injuries that were occuring. We thought and hoped she was just being cute for her FB friends but when she posted that they had voted (7 year old boys) and The Love Guru won - we were out the door early to pick him up. Here's the description of this rated PG13 movie:
" Rated PG-13 for crude and sexual content throughout, language, some comic violence and drug references." "Born in America, but raised in Havemahkeeta in India, with a population of 76, Maurice had always to better Deepak Chopra, and be sexually active, ever since he was 12. His Guru, Tugginmypudha, while approving of Deepak, cautions Maurice and has a chastity belt put around his waist. Years later, Maurice has established himself as Guru Pitka in America, but would like to appear in the Oprah Show and be better than Deepak Chopra. When Jane Bullard from the the Toronto Maple Leafs hires him to counsel their star hockey player, Darren Roanoke, to win back his wife, Prudence, from Kings' star player, Jacques Grande, and also stand up to his dominating mother, Lilian, he agrees to do so - with hilarious results. "
What the hell? DO people just have no moral ground anymore whatsoever? I've personally never seen the movie but was told by another adult that it was very gross out humour and I oculd tell by the description, highly inappropriate. We rarely let Leo watch rated PG movies. We picked him up and he did mention to us that they said bad words in the movie. I'm glad I hadn't agreed to let him stay the entire night. Another friend who did called us shortly after becuase she was seeing the updates and was very nervous. Oh did I mention that there is a video of my child that I did not allow on FB? Granted, it isn't just my child but its on there. DId anyone ask me if that was ok?!
It was a late night and the kids were indeed tired when we got them up early to make a 9 am dentist appt. downtown. Can you believe it costs $1000 for 4 cleanings? Is it really worth it to clean your teeth these days? We have insurance but it doesn't cover it all and it just makes me sick. Really? Why on earth must it cost that much?!
The weekend events have made me tired already. I took a nap and it was heavenly. Now I'm going to do nothing and try not to ponder what has happened to my world.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
The Post of All Posts
Nah, just kidding. But Nancy might appreciate this because it will certainly get rid of the before and after pics that are causing her to have nightmares. Now, becuase of this very post, she can rest easy.
I spent 3 hours at the hair salon today. To me, that's just way too much time as a hair salon. I read lots of really trashy magazines all about gossip about people I could care less about but I was forced to. I mean, I didn't have a book (which means I had absolutely nothign to read on the hour bus ride home from work the other day) so what else was I to do? I did in fact write my grocery list but still, 3 hours? I am officially now a red head. It's cool and I love it. SOrry, no pic to follow though. I couldn't believe one of the hair dressers who was in my view from my mirror. She sat looking at herself for way more time than I thought one ought to sit looking at herself in the mirror. THen she was playing with her cell phone and I would see her every so often sneak a peek at herself again. I wonder what she was thinking? Was it, "Oh how beautiful I look. I am so in love with myself, the greatest love of all?" No telling but I bet that was close. Of course, not all hair dressers are bad - just in case I've offended anyone. But, then again, this is my blog so I can say what I want. My hair dresser - Julie (whose mother happens to be Ukrainian Orthodox) offered to give me her Indigo book club card which would have saved me a butt load. I should have taken her up on it. After the 3 hours at the salon and the hour at the ice rink I decided we would take a family trip tot he book store. Leo needed some more Captain Underpants books - he's read the 4 he has like 10 times - and you know I needed a book and Drew had a gift card. I forgot that if I buy Leo books that Mazie would want some too. THe darn girl child can read now you know? SO, we all got books, except Drew who was so nice to use his gift card and it was still $35. Should of taken Julie's card after all. DId you know paper in Canada is so expensive? Maybe it's the ink though. Not really sure why but books here cost a lot. YOu probably knew that. I mean, I am sure you've bought a card and seen the price for U.S. and price for Canada and always thought to yourself, "thank god I don't live in Canada." Well, for those of us that do live in Canada, we always hope that they are just kidding when they post that price. Like, there should be some sort of discount or something. But there isn't.
So, we all have our books to read now and dinner is on its way and we're happy. I even ordered my Swiss Chalet with utensils which means I won't have to conquer the dishes until tomorrow. Good thing. I saved the groceries for tomorrow as well. Tomorrow is gonna suck if you ask me. Did I mention we leave for church at around 7:30 and get home around 4? Yeah, we're so devoted.
I spent 3 hours at the hair salon today. To me, that's just way too much time as a hair salon. I read lots of really trashy magazines all about gossip about people I could care less about but I was forced to. I mean, I didn't have a book (which means I had absolutely nothign to read on the hour bus ride home from work the other day) so what else was I to do? I did in fact write my grocery list but still, 3 hours? I am officially now a red head. It's cool and I love it. SOrry, no pic to follow though. I couldn't believe one of the hair dressers who was in my view from my mirror. She sat looking at herself for way more time than I thought one ought to sit looking at herself in the mirror. THen she was playing with her cell phone and I would see her every so often sneak a peek at herself again. I wonder what she was thinking? Was it, "Oh how beautiful I look. I am so in love with myself, the greatest love of all?" No telling but I bet that was close. Of course, not all hair dressers are bad - just in case I've offended anyone. But, then again, this is my blog so I can say what I want. My hair dresser - Julie (whose mother happens to be Ukrainian Orthodox) offered to give me her Indigo book club card which would have saved me a butt load. I should have taken her up on it. After the 3 hours at the salon and the hour at the ice rink I decided we would take a family trip tot he book store. Leo needed some more Captain Underpants books - he's read the 4 he has like 10 times - and you know I needed a book and Drew had a gift card. I forgot that if I buy Leo books that Mazie would want some too. THe darn girl child can read now you know? SO, we all got books, except Drew who was so nice to use his gift card and it was still $35. Should of taken Julie's card after all. DId you know paper in Canada is so expensive? Maybe it's the ink though. Not really sure why but books here cost a lot. YOu probably knew that. I mean, I am sure you've bought a card and seen the price for U.S. and price for Canada and always thought to yourself, "thank god I don't live in Canada." Well, for those of us that do live in Canada, we always hope that they are just kidding when they post that price. Like, there should be some sort of discount or something. But there isn't.
So, we all have our books to read now and dinner is on its way and we're happy. I even ordered my Swiss Chalet with utensils which means I won't have to conquer the dishes until tomorrow. Good thing. I saved the groceries for tomorrow as well. Tomorrow is gonna suck if you ask me. Did I mention we leave for church at around 7:30 and get home around 4? Yeah, we're so devoted.
Monday, January 18, 2010
My Boyfriend Smells Like Soggy Weiners
Can you tell my 6 year old Mazie is in drama> Try it. Next time someone asks you what your boyfriend smells like, reply with a straight face "my boyfriend smells like soggy weiners." Can you do it? My little Mazie can. This dinner conversation is going downhill real fast. It's one that really can take off with a 7 year old boy. Needless to say, Mazie is enjoying drama and I think doing well. Next week she gets her script.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
We're at it again
Mazie started mentioning her throat hurt and of course her tummy hurts. Her tummy seems to hurt on a daily basis so I'm not sure where to go with that other than I am afriad she might have inherited her dad's genes. But when I looked at her throat today her tonsils were ginormous. I decided to keep her home from school and poor Drew was so sad because he was really looking foward to an entire day of reading for his comps. Seems they always get pushed aside as something always comes up. I went in for half a day and then took Mazie to the clinic (ped never called despite our messages). She does in fact have strep throat again. She's dancing all over the house though so really its hard to know what's up with her. LUckily I'm her mom and I can sense when somethings off. Remember the first half of her life? I had 12 sick days per year and so did Drew and between the 2 of us we used them all! So I didn't feel too badly taking off 1/2 day. We're going to skip the ear piercing tonight though. I'm beginning to feel under the weather (shared ice cream with her at Boston Pizza on Wednesday night). Poor Leo is feeling neglected. I am not cooking dinner and made him eat Ramen and Hot Dogs! Gasp. I guess I don't get mother of the year this time around either. Even worse I didn't give anything to Mazie. She isn't hungry but you know what? She weiged in at 48 lbs at the doctor so she'll survive a missed meal. If she weighs 4 lbs less on our scale at home does that mean I really weigh 4 lbs more? That's pretty unfair if it does.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
I Need A New Guitar
Drew tells me that our little Ms. Mazie is turning into a teenager before our very eyes. Apparently she had a girlfriend call her yesterday and they "chatted" for about 25 minutes. Her friend called her to let her know she could come to her party and she also read her a book (actually only a few chapters since Mazie suggested that would be better than the entire book) and Mazie played the piano for her. Sounds like Drew freaked out a bit not knowing if he should allow his 5 year old (for a few more days at least) to chat on the phone. Plus, he needed to use the phone. I told him not to worry - the days of girls chatting on the phone are most likely over. When she's a teen (and hopefully not any sooner) she'll be texting.
This morning Drew suggested to her that they take guitar lessons togehter. She was once again, singing in front of her microphone stand only this time there was no wig. She said she would like to do that but she'll need a new guitar since the one she has doesn't really sound like the songs on the radio when she plays. She'll get it eventually.
(Don't mind the incredibly cluttered apartment. We live in a basement about 600 sq. feet and have 2 kids. I try and No, I don't like it but I just try to take it one day at a time and pray for a better future)
Today was a lazy day. We got some dishes done and put away our Christmas boxes in the attic and maybe a load or 2 of laundry but not much else got done. I did manage to go the grocery store but it was about -20 out again so we didn't go out any more. I was thinking it might be fun to go to the local ski hill or perhaps ice skate or maybe even go to the indoor pool and swim like Mazie's been asking but it was just too darn cold. I did ask Leo to go to the mall with me to get Mazie's birthday present (oh and body butter for me) but he wanted nothing to do with me and shopping. He never does. I don't push it because an awful time will jsut be had by all if I do. Instead I tried to take a nap but it never happened. Seems kids need me every 6 minutes for something. I was dog tired and it was my own fault. I told Mazie that she could sleep upstairs with Kuma on Friday. She loves Kuma so much and I love her so much that I went along with the hairbrained idea. She slept great and so did the dog. Me? Not so much. Note to self: wear protective gear when sleeping with a wiggly boney 5 year old and bring your own blankets.
This morning Drew suggested to her that they take guitar lessons togehter. She was once again, singing in front of her microphone stand only this time there was no wig. She said she would like to do that but she'll need a new guitar since the one she has doesn't really sound like the songs on the radio when she plays. She'll get it eventually.
(Don't mind the incredibly cluttered apartment. We live in a basement about 600 sq. feet and have 2 kids. I try and No, I don't like it but I just try to take it one day at a time and pray for a better future)
Today was a lazy day. We got some dishes done and put away our Christmas boxes in the attic and maybe a load or 2 of laundry but not much else got done. I did manage to go the grocery store but it was about -20 out again so we didn't go out any more. I was thinking it might be fun to go to the local ski hill or perhaps ice skate or maybe even go to the indoor pool and swim like Mazie's been asking but it was just too darn cold. I did ask Leo to go to the mall with me to get Mazie's birthday present (oh and body butter for me) but he wanted nothing to do with me and shopping. He never does. I don't push it because an awful time will jsut be had by all if I do. Instead I tried to take a nap but it never happened. Seems kids need me every 6 minutes for something. I was dog tired and it was my own fault. I told Mazie that she could sleep upstairs with Kuma on Friday. She loves Kuma so much and I love her so much that I went along with the hairbrained idea. She slept great and so did the dog. Me? Not so much. Note to self: wear protective gear when sleeping with a wiggly boney 5 year old and bring your own blankets.
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