Thursday, April 22, 2010


My work caseload is beyond manageable and I work my butt off from morning to night. I come home and do the same (minus the fact that my MIL is cooking the best meals so I don't have to and my hubby cleans the cat box). Ok, maybe I am exxagerating but I sure am tired. Tonight's commute was 1 hour and 15 minutes in total traffic hell!

Nothing really to report about so that's why I've been MIA. That and my life is in complete limbo right now and it's stressing me out to the max. I am trying very hard to have faith and trust that it will all work out but its not an easy thing for me to do.

Say some prayers if you have some handy.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Little Pig

Mazie had the big show last night. SHe was adorable all dressed in pink for her part as the little pig.
Afterwards we gave her a dozen pink roses and went out for Ice Cream. We were so proud of her!

For Easter we got Leo a new bike as he had really outgrown his old one. He unfortunately saw it Saturday night so ended up giving Mazie her Nintendo DS that night as well. Surprise spoiled but still very much excitement abounded.

Nancy and Leo were able to make it for Easter. Leo attended Good Friday services with Drew and Nancy attended Saturday night services with me. Drew was of course busy all week and exhausted by the end when he got home Sat. night at 3:30 am only to wake up and hunt for Easter eggs at 7:30 am. I think he has recovered though. He is now busy getting ready for his comps which take place in a month.

The kids are enjoying having Grandma and Grandpa here to play with and Drew and I are enjoying a little extra quiet time while we all await the birth of Keaton which I have predicted will happen on the 17th. We all have made our predictions and put them on the calendar. Nobody is competetive around here that's for sure!