Sunday, May 24, 2009


I am suffering from jet lag from my travels over the weekend so this post will be short but I did manage to post a few pics.

Mazie with her lay at the Greek pavilion. She made her hat earlier in the day at the Serbian pavilion. She was on the floor any chance it was clear of performers.

Mazie at Ukraine. Mom and Mazie dancing at Germany. We're trying to waltz. Leo says he knows how to waltz, after all Troy taught Gabriella in HSM 3.

Mazie sitting with the girls before their performance at Hawaii. She could have sat there for hours.

My belly dancer.

Last year versus this year

The family in Hawaii. This was my top 3rd choice due to the wonderful dancers. I did get a $3.50 pina colada so Mazie could have the umbrella after all.

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