Wednesday, June 10, 2009

String of Bad Luck

As if the side view mirror falling off, the WII remote breaking the tv, or the blowing up of the computer weren't bad enough, Mazie is now sick. We got a call from a friend yesterday stating she was very sick and they had tested her for H1N1. She's a nurse so I figure that's the reason she was able to get tested. SHe also happens to be the person Mazie has spent several days with recently. Right after her call to see how everyone was doing, sure enough, Mazie had a fever. So the nurse friend tells us to take her directly to the ER if she gets a high fever and cough. Hang up - Mazie starts to cough. Deep cough. She woke up fine today so it seemed we were in the clear. No need to go to the dr. Drew just called to say she is coughing up a storm and perhaps we should take her to the doc. I call the doc and he's not taking any more patients today and if we want to come tomorrow we have to play beat the clock and call in much like you do a radio show and try to be the first caller. It really doesn't matter because the receptionist told us they won't swab there anyway - they are only swabbing at the ER. ON the news they say they are treating all patients with flu like symptoms as if they have H1N1 and sending them home to rest and drink water. So for now, we won't bother with seeking medical attention and stick to the motrin and try not to panic.

Luckily Drew was able to contact a neighbor and ask her to pick up Leo. I just recently had a talk with him about not going anywhere with strangers. She's not a stranger but still - she doesn't usually pick him up. Drew did call the school to let them know to release him to the neighbor so hopefully they will pass that message on to him. Drew didn't really want to drag Mazie to school with him to infect all the other kiddos. I hope my poor baby feels better soon. She had to miss primary play day today which she was so much looking forward to. She'll have to miss class tomorrow too and she only has 6 more days left until summer.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to sit at work and wonder how she's doing all the while i want to be home giving her gatorade and cuddling with her on the couch?! This is one crazy society we live in. Don't even get me started. I don't want to go there. Sure she is with her daddy and well taken care of but it's a mommy's instinct to want to make it better. Yet, here I sit playing bejeweled trying to beat my high score of 39,000.


  1. Please don't leave me hanging about Mazie! How is she. What is bejeweled ... 39,000 sounds like you're the queen of the thing. (Why don't you take your knitting to work?) XOXOX

  2. I've really been bad about knitting. I haven't done it like I said I would when my mom was here. However, I did organize my recipe book last night as I had been shoving different recipes in for a long time and I feel good about that. I'm in last place with the bejeweled game. I just don't see how people get such high scores above 100,000. That's a lot of video game playing! As for Mazie, she is still sick w/ fever and cough and looks like crap. I am not sure if its allergies or what but her eyes are tearing like mad and she can hardly open them. SHe is very sleepy too. My poor baby!
