Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tooth Fairy Strikes Again

I've suggested that perhaps the tooth fairy might want to hang out at our house a bit more as she has had to come twice this week. My memory is weak but I don't believe Leo's teeth fell out as early as Mazie's have. SHe lost another one yesterday. Of course, Leo leaves his in hanging by a thread adn Mazie does her darndest to pull them out. Her tooth fell out at dinner last night and she put it under her pillow. I completely forgot until i went into the change bucket this morning to get some money for coffee. It was 7:40 and I was hoping she was still asleep. I think I managed to pull it off. In case you are wondering, when Leo asked me earlier in the week if I was the tooth fairy I asked him if I looked like a fairy and started flying around the room. I then asked him if he remembered the last time he went into my wallet and saw that it was empty. I doubt he believes me. Seems as if Mazie knew all along where we were going on vacation.
They found their next clue yesterday "PLace." THey were eager to tell them and so Drew googled with them to figure out we are going to Walt Disney World. We've got it all on video thanks to the webcam. THey both sat on Drew's lap to do their research. It's very cute. Of course, as we suspected, Leo didn't initially want to go. He said it is too far. LOL Mazie was running around the house all night saying "We're going to walt disney world." She's extremely excited and can't wait, especially for the pools at the hotel. I knew she would like that. She did admit that she knew all along however. She told me she knew since she saw the pamplet I had on WDW a few weeks ago. She said she didn't want to tell daddy she knew becuase she thought he would be mad. LOL Nothing gets by this girl.


  1. Have a great time! Scary that I completely understand Leo's initial reaction. Don't suppose you'll take your laptop so you can blog and we can keep up on the advendture? ;) XOXOX

  2. I will be absolutely techno free. I don't want to touch a computer. The most I'll use will be my hair dryer (I hear it's pretty humid in Florida and my hair would never dry w/o it), my video camera, and my camera. You'll have to wait until we return. I do plan on keeping a journal though. I did that when we were in Oxford to remember my trip.

  3. Oh, and I totally understand where Leo is coming from. Only my anxiety is about all the preparations and packing. Even Drew admitted there is an enormous amount of pressure (brought on by only ourselves) to make our vacation the best ever. It doesn't happen often.

  4. After hearing about Mazie's reaction, it further solidifies (sP?) my belief about girls...they are much more with it!! LOL. We went on a 3 week road trip last summer and with some careful planning and not to extreme expectations, we had the time of our lives!! We all still reminisce about it! And FL is waayyy humid! We went for our honeymoon and it was a mess...I suggest ponytails (that's just lazy me though)

  5. Skip the hair dryer cuz your hair won't STAY dry once you step outdoors. Besides, don't they put those in the condo bathrooms now? Save the space.
    No matter what, you're going to have the best vacation ever. Do the kiddos know who else is going?

  6. I judge the quality of a hotel by 2 things - if they have a hair dryer and the type of conditioner they supply, if any. I assume this place will have both. If you don't dry your hair in Florida, it might grow mold.
    THe kids are aware that grandma and grandpa will be there and they are so excited to see them. THey really wish Gabby and Lainey were coming too. They miss them dearly.
