Yesterday was quite possibly the most perfect day. The weather was a typical southern California perfect 80 degree and sunny day. Drew and Leo and I took a bike ride in the morning to a little pond not too far away. It's secluded in a little neighborhood and just so Monet-ish. Mazie didn't want to come becuase she was mourning that we decided not to go to the airshow. I had rented Disney's Earth and I knew if we went to the airshow we wouldn't get to see it. I did want to go to the airshow but it is always so crowded and I wasn't exactly up for that. After our bike ride, we went to McDonald's for our last day of summer together. The whole family watched Earth and then when I was falling asleep we took a break to have a nap. Ahhhh. I had no worries over my head about returning to work the next day. Then we played Trivial Pursuit outside with Paige and Jason until the bees attacked us and we were forced to go inside. Drew and I kicked butt but the game isn't over. We had to stop to eat dinner which consisted on pork chops with stuffing and gravy. Yum! Afterwards it was baths for the kids and we finished Earth and put them to bed. They gave us no problems despite being eager for school the next day. We then headed upstairs to watch Adventureland. I gave it a C but it wasn't too bad. I can't complain at all.

Drew and I dropped the kids off at school this morning without a hitch and then headed over to Panera for coffee on the patio until again the bees attacked us and we had to go inside. We were able to go shop a few minutes at Winners (no luck). We spent the rest of the afternoon taking a walk to the mall and having lunch and just mosying around killing time until 3. Oh, and I enjoyed having the house clean for longer than 30 seconds.
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