Thursday, March 18, 2010

March Break

I thought I might provide a little update into our lives the past few days as there have been some exciting new developments.

On Monday Mazie once again complained of her tummy hurting her and we've talking about taking her to the doctor for months now but hesitated because we've been there before for this issue and never really got any answers. I felt enough was enough and we were all home so we called the doc and got an afternoon appt. He sent us downstairs for an x-ray of her tummy and we waited a really long time and finally got it. Not without also getting a parking ticket for parking too close the a fire hydrant. Another lady in the waiting room also got a ticket for the same thing. Don't get me started on that though becuase I was fuming about it. As if we have money to throw around.

Later that night I made dinner and as we were sitting eating I noticed Mazie's neck was very red. Upon further inspection we found hives all over her body! Big ones and it was spreading to her face as her eyes were beginning to swell and I thought for sure this was going to be my chance to pull out that epi pen. We were mystified as we were aware of her grass allergies but she was fully buttoned up in a coat outside playing in the little grass there was after the snow had melted and didn't think that would be the cause. After 4 doses of benadryl she was out and the hives subsided but I was restless all night worried for her. I checked the ingredients on the bag of chips and my hunch is that she is allergic to safflower oil. Safflowers are related to dandilions and I know she is allergic to those so I figure that's it. We have an appt. with the allergist on Monday to find out. I am not at all looking forward to dandilion season. It was hell last year and I fear it may have gotten worse.

The next day the doc called and wants to try a laxative regimen for Mazie to see if we can get rid of her tummy aches. That has been fun. I'll spare you the details. DId you know that if it says do not crush or chew and you do it really doesn't make a difference?

The kids have been home having fun with dad on their week off- going to the park, playing video games, making forts, etc. Mazie went to daycare yesterday - we paid for the spot and she wanted to go - and Leo got some one on one time w/ dad. Friday I have a vacation day and we hope to do something fun. Not sure what yet.

How could I forget? Last night was St. Paddy's and we had corned beef. I bought 2 of them - one for yesterday and anotehr for the future. They were $13 a piece and barely feeds the 4 of us. It was delicious - Drew did the prep work of boiling it with the carrots and I baked it later with a delicious glaze and made the potatoes and cabbage. THis was the first time I tried cabbage and I found it to be pretty good. I was a bit down last night and in need of some TLC and guess what Drew did? You'll never believe this and if you dont' know him you won't be impressed but he made me brownies! That's amazing for him and it cheered me right up!


  1. Whew! I'm so relieved. Have been worrying about your corned beef experience this year since it's been traumatic in recent years. I'm thinking that you'd better wait to move to the farm 'til Mazie outgrows her allergies. She'd have to be put in a plastic bag in the spring and summer if she lived on a farm? Oh, we know Drew's got it it him! XOXOX

  2. Um, I'm thinking we might need to move to the dessert so Mazie doesn't have to suffer through another spring.
