YOu may have seen my Facebook post about how 4 years ago this week we moved to Canada. It's had me doing a lot of reminiscing this week about what those firsts were like. The first time we went to Tim Horton's (we didn't even know it was a coffee shop and I hate it. Now I am addicted), the first time we signed up Leo for kindergarten, the first time we took the subway, etc. And then lots and lots of beurocratic stuff like finding a doctor, getting health insurance, getting a bank account, buying a car, etc. It was a lot of work. Makes me wonder if I ever want to have to start over again like that. Also makes me realize how much we've adapted to life here and started putting down roots. We've got a very close church community and we know our neighbors and the other parents and kids at the school, we've experienced and gotten to know some of the teachers, etc. I am also very happy with my job. I like the people I work with and I like what I do. It's especially nice to be able to work from home. I walked the kids to school today and that made me so happy. I don't want to miss any of their childhood as they are growing so fast. The only thing I would change is that I'd like to have a home. Of course I'd like to be able to own a home but even renting a bigger place would be nice. OUr place is just too small for us now. HOwever, I love having our family just upstairs and I can't imagine not having that even if Keaton does cry a lot.
The kids are still in school until the end of the month and eagerly awaiting Adventure Camp so they can play with dad. Leo said so on his way to school today. I think this is wonderful even if Drew isn't quite as excited as they are. Lots of exciting things are happening for them at the end of the year so they are pretty happy these days.
THis weekend Drew and I will have our 11th wedding anniversary. If I think a lot has changed in 4 years, it's mind boggling what we've done in just 11! Makes me tired to just think about it all. We don't really have any plans yet to celebrate our anniversary or Father's Day but I'm sure it will be fun just as well.
I hope that doing all that again won't discourage you from coming back to the states to live. Love Mom
ReplyDeleteHappy Anniversary! I hope you find ways to enjoy the adventures in your 12th year of marriage even if you are living in a sardine can and are so far away from all of us (well, most of us) that love you lots. Just think of the adventures you'll have to tell your grandbabies. XOXOX