Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Loop Party

At school when the kids are caught being good they get loops. Then they put the loops in a jar and when it is full, the class gets a party. However, the catch is that the party must not cost money. Mazie's class decided they wanted to wear their swim gear to school for their party. It was vetoed by the principal. Mazie came home and said that girls aren't allowed to wear bikinis at school but instead they are going to bring in their favorite stuffed animals and a pillow and read. She said "apparently some people think that its fun to read." Bwahahahaha.

Sorry I've been away for so long. I've been rather busy with not much to say. I am home sick with a cold or the flu or some virus that sucks the energy from me and leaves me with a sore back so I'm trying to catch up. We had my nephew for a week which was interesting adding a 3 year old to the mix. Lots more work that's for sure. We went to the pumpkin patch - that's an entirely new blog about how it wasn't a patch at all and how I miss ONtario soooooooo much, esp. in the fall. I've just got to keep my eye on the winter horizon. We also went to the greek festival. It was really just way too hot for an October event. Have I mentioned how much I miss ONtario? I listen to CBC radio and I heard its a high of 6 in Edmonton today. Sigh. Mazie has drama one night a week and girl scouts are starting so that takes up some time. Leo is beginning Odysey of the Mind. More to come on that I'm sure.

I'm still located in Surprise for work. HOping this will change soon but I was told I would be moved in the beginning of October and I haven't heard a peep so who knows when this will happen? I don't want to say much or I might get moved to Kingman or something like that. So, my lips are sealed for now.

As for Drew, he continues to plug away little by little on his dissertation. Today he took the light rail for the first time and went to ASU to renew some books. He was sick before me so he's been down a few days.

We are currently watching the new documentary "Babies" about babies from Korea, US, Namibia, and MOngolia. Very interesting to say the least to watch with a 6 and 8 year old. We're also watching Nightmare Before Christmas. We've got Netflix so we usually have 2 movies at a time plus we can download movies instantly on the WII as well.

That's about it for now.

1 comment:

  1. I'm trying to figure out a loop-system for this household, we could use a party! XOXOXO
