Thursday, April 22, 2010


My work caseload is beyond manageable and I work my butt off from morning to night. I come home and do the same (minus the fact that my MIL is cooking the best meals so I don't have to and my hubby cleans the cat box). Ok, maybe I am exxagerating but I sure am tired. Tonight's commute was 1 hour and 15 minutes in total traffic hell!

Nothing really to report about so that's why I've been MIA. That and my life is in complete limbo right now and it's stressing me out to the max. I am trying very hard to have faith and trust that it will all work out but its not an easy thing for me to do.

Say some prayers if you have some handy.


  1. You got 'em. Prayers I mean. Been wondering how you're doing with that houseful of activity there. Your new nephew sure is cute but looks half grown already! Hope you still have a book or two to read as diversion while you're waiting for ...? XOXOX

  2. I've really not read like I want. I have a hard time sittng and reading when I get a lot of anxiety. I can't concentrate. I am reading a fairly good book but nothing like Moloka'i which Nancy has now. That was awesome! I keep thinking about it.

  3. we're right there in limbo with you, friend! prayers all around.

  4. I know this angst. I hope things become clearer for your soon!
