Thursday, November 4, 2010


Last week, or maybe it was 2 weeks. Yep, I am pretty sure it was 2 weeks ago. Maybe even 3? Who knows? I can't even remember what today is these days. I sent Mazie to school w/ her girl scout uniform on on Tuesday thinking it was Wed. I just can't keep my days straight these days w/ so much running around. WHen did things get so complicated? ANyway, last week (or whenever) we went out to dinner with some friends. I mean real dinner - not fast food which I eat way too much of these days with all my running around, esp. at work. I have gained far too many lbs. since returning to the U.S. We went to Sierra Bonita and I really liked it which is saying something because everyone says I am so critical or ahem, picky. I got the idea that I would start a food blog. It's an idea. I am not sure how active it would be. I mean this week I ate at La Salsita on 47th ave and McDowell along side some gang bangers straight from LA with their tat's and shirts with monikers that mean murder. That was an experience. I also ate at Boston Market, had coffee at Burger King and Blue Fin. Does anyone really care that the coffee at Burger was AWFUL? So, maybe some day I'll go back to my blog but at this time I am too overwhelmed. I am not so sure what is so complicated. I think one is that from day to day with my job I don't know where I am supposed to be. I am at 4 high schools, my office, training, etc. I have to be an extremely organized and planned person for this job. Add to it that I have 2 kids with school and activities and I just feel like my head is spinning. WHo had this on what day? What permission slip needs to be signed? What fees need to be paid? (That's an entirely different blog but not a day goes by that my kids school doesn't inundate me with information on fundraising opportunities or ask me for money) Who needs to bring a lunch? WHo needs to get this done? What birthday card does Mazie need to mail for her girl scout troop member so she can get a petal? Blah, blah, blah. Are you sensing my anxiety? I would like a boring old regular routine. Is that too much to ask for? Last night we went to the Suns game. I should be excited to go right? WRONG! I was just overwhelmed once again. I mean I had to find something to wear. I don't normally go to sporting games so I don't have many outfits for this. Plus, my jeans don't fit anymore so I couldn't wear jeans. I'd buy new ones if I had the time. I spent my shopping time last weekend buying for my daughter which is much less depressing than having to go up a size and look in the mirror and actually spend money on that. The Suns game was fun in the end but in the beginning it felt like a chore. I just wanted to lay on the couch (you aren't the only one MOlly) and watch tv. I wanted quiet. I wanted to not have to remember 20 things to tell my husband before I forget or get interrupted by my kids. I feel so rushed lately. No down time. I am sure if I were to read through this blog I'd find another similar blog I have written. I might even find several blogs just like this one. I know it will pass.
And because this is on my mind I want to share with you that if I ever decide I want to move out of the country please gently remind me what a bad idea that is. Not that I regret my time in Canada. In fact, while I am happy to be back for many reasons, part of me is really grieving for Canada. Drew has spent countless hours trying to figure out how to pay off our Canadian Mastercard when they won't take U.S. money. Now we can't get our car registration due to the fact that we don't have sticker on our Canadian Hyundai that says the car meets US Highway Safety and EPA standards. SIgh. Luckily I have a husband who devotes 24 hours of the day to this stuff.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Loop Party

At school when the kids are caught being good they get loops. Then they put the loops in a jar and when it is full, the class gets a party. However, the catch is that the party must not cost money. Mazie's class decided they wanted to wear their swim gear to school for their party. It was vetoed by the principal. Mazie came home and said that girls aren't allowed to wear bikinis at school but instead they are going to bring in their favorite stuffed animals and a pillow and read. She said "apparently some people think that its fun to read." Bwahahahaha.

Sorry I've been away for so long. I've been rather busy with not much to say. I am home sick with a cold or the flu or some virus that sucks the energy from me and leaves me with a sore back so I'm trying to catch up. We had my nephew for a week which was interesting adding a 3 year old to the mix. Lots more work that's for sure. We went to the pumpkin patch - that's an entirely new blog about how it wasn't a patch at all and how I miss ONtario soooooooo much, esp. in the fall. I've just got to keep my eye on the winter horizon. We also went to the greek festival. It was really just way too hot for an October event. Have I mentioned how much I miss ONtario? I listen to CBC radio and I heard its a high of 6 in Edmonton today. Sigh. Mazie has drama one night a week and girl scouts are starting so that takes up some time. Leo is beginning Odysey of the Mind. More to come on that I'm sure.

I'm still located in Surprise for work. HOping this will change soon but I was told I would be moved in the beginning of October and I haven't heard a peep so who knows when this will happen? I don't want to say much or I might get moved to Kingman or something like that. So, my lips are sealed for now.

As for Drew, he continues to plug away little by little on his dissertation. Today he took the light rail for the first time and went to ASU to renew some books. He was sick before me so he's been down a few days.

We are currently watching the new documentary "Babies" about babies from Korea, US, Namibia, and MOngolia. Very interesting to say the least to watch with a 6 and 8 year old. We're also watching Nightmare Before Christmas. We've got Netflix so we usually have 2 movies at a time plus we can download movies instantly on the WII as well.

That's about it for now.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Punky Brewster

Drew and I have signed up for Netflix since returning to the U.S. We had Blockbuster before we left which was very similar. There is nothing like that in Canada, although I hear they are getting it soon. Figures. ANyway, for about $13 per month we can get 2 dvds at a time and keep them as long as we want. When we want another we just plop it in the mail and in 1 day we get another one. We have a list of movies in the order in which we want them. We can also get as many downloadable movies as we want. So, if at any moment we decide we'd like to watch a movie, we just scroll through the list and instantly it pops up on our WII. That means Drew can watch all those movies by himself that I never let him get at the video store.

So the other day when we were scrolling though what was available, I saw Punky Brewster. I loved that show! So, I recently got season 1 on DVD for Mazie and Leo. I figured it was much more age appropriate for Mazie and perhaps she would suddenly start to mimic Punky rather than Hannah. It's a hope. THey LOVE it. Mazie just giggles and giggles and its such a cute show. THe only thing I am having a hard time with is the fact that it has a social worker in it. Punky is a foster child if you've never seen the show. I wonder if this was the catalyst for my wanting to become a Social Worker when I grew up. My dad was right, you'll never make any money. But then again, you'll never make any money as a VR Counselor either. However, I have chosen this path yet again. I did it becuase I believe I'll be much happier. I start on Tuesday. I'm going to miss my lazy mornings of coffee with my husband and doing laundry whenever I want and going to get iced teas for 50 cents at AJs. HOwever, real life had to set in some time. Plus, Drew needs to get writing. So, back to work it is.

Monday, August 23, 2010

We're Home

Anyone who reads this probably knows all this already but thought I should do a quick update. We are now in Phoenix. Kids started school and seem to be adjusting pretty well. I can't keep up with the number of flyers and promotions and informaiton that gets thrown at me on a daily basis from their backpacks. It's ridiculous. THen add homework and I am ready to home school. Seriously. Me on the other hand have been busy doing nothing much. I do laundry, make the bed, do the dishes, go to lunch, hang out at the book store, shop, oh and I swim a lot with my kids so they'll become stars on Baywatch some day. Today I gave them lifeguarding lessons. I am spending more quality time than I ever have since my honeymoon with my husband. It's nice but time for him to start writing his dissertation. In between all that I am job hunting. I've had some interviews and more on that later. Drew is playing basketball which he enjoys and I am reading lots of books. It's hot. Very hot. I've been trying out some new recipes from a cookbook the church gave me when we left. Oh, and we've found a new church and we're tryign to get acclimated to that as well as everything else. We've been experiencing some culture shock really. I can't wait to get a regular schedule in my life. However, once that happens I'll probably get used to my life of luxury. It's nice ot go to Dunkin Donuts and read the paper.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

And They're Off....

Drew and his dad left this morning on schedule with a truck full of goods. Most all of it fit. I can't complain. What didn't fit Paige and Jason can hopefully sell at their garage sale this weekend. It took over 12 hours to get the truck loaded with what felt like the hottest day of the year. I don't know if I'll be able to walk today. Our place is mostly empty except for the fridge which I'll clean out today before my job interview. The cats are pretty freaked out down there all alone. Can't wait to finally land in Phoenix tomorrow. Floating in a pool sounds nice right about now. They are right when they say that death of a loved one and moving are the top most stressful things. Remind me of that next time I think it would be exciting to move to another country.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Day Before The Last

I'm sitting at work trying to kill sometime before I go out to dinner. I'm meeting with all the Alumni from my first job in Canada. Believe it or not, there are about 9 of us and we've all moved on to bigger and better and kept in touch. I think its some sort of Stockholm syndrome thing going on. But hey, it's nice that they want to say farewell. We are also celebrating that the last survivor at NRCS has finally quit and one of the former members has moved on to OMOD. Unfortunately I had to say welcome and hello in the same week I am having to say goodbye.

They threw me a great party here complete with a huge Canadian flag signed by all in the office as well as a photo of all us along with a frame for my new office whereever that might be. I also got a great Canadian sweatshirt and they bought Canada garb for the wee ones as well - and Drew. I really couldn't work with a nicer group of people who I am going to miss dearly. It makes all the difference in the world. They have been so supportive through all of this. And even though it is sad to say good bye, I still feel right about this. It is scary not having health insurance or a job to pay the bills but I am trusting that it will all work out and I keep getting told that my family and friends are all there to help out as needed. I truly am blessed. I also truly am exhausted. I've been super busy at work trying to tie up all the loose ends on my 50 client caseload and then when I get home I pack, pack, pack. I never seem to feel like any progress is being made but Drew tells me that I always feel this way every time we move and I think all our stuff has always made it in the truck. Since I've been married I believe I've moved a total of 10 times. I wonder how more times I have to look forward to this. Drew and I are quite pros by this point. It still sucks though.
I'm hoping to get rid of lots and lots of stuff at our garage sale on Saturday and Drew will be off to Phoenix mid week next week. I will follow in the plane with the kids and cats just in time to register them before their first day and buy all the needed school supplies that American schools don't seem to supply for their students. This is a new experience for us and I am sure there will be many more for my kids as they enter into the US/AZ school system. They are excited for the move but bored to death these days as we ignore them for more important things like packing. They have no today to play with so tv is warping their brains. When they aren't watching tv they take out their stress on each other through fun teasing and bullying games that drive their parents up the wall. Gosh I can't wait to be settled.
I hope it all goes smoothly and I hope I can find a job where I can be happy. I look forward to seeing all my old friends and especially swimming!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


When we arrived in Canada we went to Ikea and my babies ages 2 and 4 were too small to play. Today we went as a treat after the ENT and they were told this was their last day to play in the balls - they are too big. We've come full circle and I guess it's time to go now.

THe ENT was a complete waste of a day off. Luckily I get to spend it with the kids doing some fun stuff. We spent 5 minutes there for her to say they don't take out tonsils unless she's had 5 infections in a year. Mazie has had only 3. This is great news but couldn't you have told me this over the phone or perhaps tell the pediatrician so he won't refer until we get to #5? Her ears are good and her tonsils are good. We're in perfect health! Now we'll go to the Ontario Science Centre to hang out. We got comp tickets because we left this guy a message last week asking about the activities and he was out ill. Just becuase we missed it, he's giving us free tickets for the entire family!