Seriously folks....this stuff is amazing. I've been trying for the last 7 years to perfect pancakes without milk. I've tried ever recipe imaginable. Usually I make pancakes for Mazie and I and then I might make a different batch for Leo without milk. THey are never too good - always very heavy. He usually asks for an egg instead. In fact, once he ate my pancakes and literally gagged. SO, when I was walking down the aisle at Highland Farms (A huge grocery store here that is known for being very fresh and a tad upscale) and saw this stuff I had to check it out. It's in a can like whip cream and you spray on your pancakes. The best part? They are milk free! For $5.99 I thought it was a bit pricey and I am not really into processed food too much but I had to try it. They were really good and so easy to make. It made me very happy.
But wait - It's not over. Today I went to Longo's. It's also a grocery store and definately upscale. THey have a new one up the road and I had 2 hours to kill while Mazie was at a birthday party so I mosied around. I heard this man tell his wife to get another basket of strawberries. I usually pass them up because they cost about $4.00 a basket and aren't ever any good. But, I had time to kill and so I passed by and did what I always do - look closely to see where they come from. Usually its Watsonville but no, these babies were from Oxnard. I am not kidding you that I had tears in my eyes. I was both elated to finally find some strawberries from Oxnard and possessive of my berries at the same time. I wanted to take them all. I wanted to shout to everyone that they don't know what they are missing. I was so homesick. I was so surprised by my reaction all over a strawberry. It's been years since I've had Oxnard berries and they just are above and beyond any other in the world. Strawberries in fact used to be my favorite food - with ice cream, with brown sugar and sour cream, with whip cream, with white sugar, alone. However, they moved out of even my list of favorite foods simply because they are never any good when in Toronto. During my way at the check out I was telling the Checker about how the strawberries are from my home town and she didn't seem to care much at all. In honour, I went and bought Cynthias chinese food just so I could have a fantastic take out meal and top it off with berries on bisquits and whip cream. I'm going now to make the bisquits.
Me and blogging ... you'd die of boredom. The life of old ladies would not be very interesting to you youngsters. Besides, I have too much to do! Ask your M-I-L about my Projects and Schedules.
ReplyDeleteDid you know that this morning on CBS Sunday Morning show there was a piece on your Batter Blaster?! If your blogging about it is a coincidence it probably is a sign that I need to go buy some. Very strange.
So glad you got a taste of Home today. XOXO
Really? Drew and I used to love CBS SUnday morning. Then they got too many commercials and we stopped watching. You know what else is coincidental? I was reading an article on Sea Horses in Leo's Ranger Rick and then I saw mention of them in a fantastic movie I rented - Away we go! Loved it. It might just be one movie I would be willing to see again.