I was pumping gas today with my bare hands and it was freezing and windy and snow was pelting my ears and I was already irritated because I sat in traffic for an hour and I already tried to get gas at one gas station and it wouldn't take my debit card (LOrd knows its probably now been compromised) and now I was at another one and it was $101.2 per litre which it hasn't been over $1 in a long time so I was mad. OH, and I had no gloves on because last week when I wore gloves I got gas on them and I had to wash them and it was a royal pain. My point is that I was thinking about how if I were in Phoenix and pumping gas I would be scorching hot. In fact, I could even think of myself on - crap, its been so long I can't even remember the name of the street - but anyway it's called QT and its west of Central and south of Camelback - and I was thinking how nice it would be if I were so hot. Is that insane or what?! I am truthfully sad we haven't had any big snow storms this year esp. if it happens to be my last winter here. We are expecting some snow tonight but so far its not impressive. I am staying home tomorrow but was planning on doing that regardless.
Mazie and Leo are doing great. Leo says today was his best day of school ever. They went bowling this morning and in the afternoon they watched Mary Poppins and I made chicken nuggets and smily face fries for dinner. He was happy and so he and Mazie played together so nicely all evening. SHe was trying to get him to be in a play but he was playing along trying to have her pick out characters from his Pokemon cards but really I think he was getting her to play Pokeman and when she finally figured it out she was pretty sad. It was heartbreaking actually because she put togehter all the costumes and had this entire storyline written about a world iwthout violence. It was so peace loving but I think she said in the end they ended up hurting eachother anyway. SHe's a realist what can I say? You should ask her about the afterlife if you get a chance. She's got a wonderful take on eternal life.
Mazie is LOVING daycare and Drew is getting a lot done. He is scheduling his comps some time in May. We can't wait for our vacation in May and I really hope his comps are all done by the time we leave so we can really rest and relax and have a good time without worrying. I am not sure I can wait 2 1/2 more months for a vacation though. Luckily, in just 1 1/2 months Paige will have her baby and that will be so much fun.
I've got more to say but I've got to watch Figure Skating. Good Night.
That QT would be on Indian School ... just around the corner from our house. So after you filled your tank with gas in the 70° weather in February you could come by for a chocolate chip cookie. Or, if it is August and 110° you could come by with your 48 oz slurpy and sit in the pool with me and cool off. And, then we'd go into the air conditioned house and have the chocolate chip cookie. See, it could work. No shoveling or scraping or sliding into the ditch in the hot weather. XOXOX
ReplyDeleteP.S. ...and we could discuss eternal life. A good thing to do when it's hotter than hell.
ReplyDeleteDonna, you better be careful. YOu are funnier than I am. Have you ever considered creating a blog?