Friday, December 25, 2009

Got Out of My Bed!

THe kids went to bed late last night - 12 am to be exact. Church was 9-11. Leo slept through it all but in typical fashion - not Mazie. I figured they would sleep in a bit this morning. As usual, mom and dad were awake before them. Leo came in around 8 ish and wanted to crawl into bed with us. We tried to get him to wake his sister but he didn't want to. He said she would be too cranky if he woke her. He's probably right. However, she followed very shortly after wards and they ran upstairs to wake Auntie and Uncle. We opened stockings and Santa's gift and then had breakfast while Auntie and Uncle went to church. We eagerly awaited their return so we could open the rest of our gifts. We didn't finish until after 1:00. It was great because it wasn't over in a flash! It's almost 4 and we all just remembered we need to eat to stay alive so we had a quick thrown together lunch while we wait for dinner to arrive.

Merry Christmas everyone! Pictures to follow later. For now, I'm having a nap.

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