Monday, December 14, 2009

Pageant Woes

We had the annual Christmas pageant yesterday and it was fabulous as always. The kids are so cute. Mazie was again an angel and Leo was a shepherd. I had the best photos of each of them but unfortunately erased them off the camera only to find that they didn't properly upload onto the computer. I guess it was only a matter of time that that happened. I am pretty bummed though as I was looking forward to sharing them with all of you. We got home pretty late after a very long day (lunch at Father Peter's with the seminarians and a 7:30 carols and hymns concert for Uncle Jason at his church. My kids were angels and after being gone all day and going to be late we decided to let Leo stay home and chill out and laze around the house. Unfortunately right now Drew is mediating a pretty big fight with his sister in their room right now.

Drew took the car in this morning and we just learned that we have to have some major work done on the brakes - again as they broke. That's pretty bad news right before the holidays. I suppose its bad news anytime really. We'll get over it.

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