Monday, August 23, 2010

We're Home

Anyone who reads this probably knows all this already but thought I should do a quick update. We are now in Phoenix. Kids started school and seem to be adjusting pretty well. I can't keep up with the number of flyers and promotions and informaiton that gets thrown at me on a daily basis from their backpacks. It's ridiculous. THen add homework and I am ready to home school. Seriously. Me on the other hand have been busy doing nothing much. I do laundry, make the bed, do the dishes, go to lunch, hang out at the book store, shop, oh and I swim a lot with my kids so they'll become stars on Baywatch some day. Today I gave them lifeguarding lessons. I am spending more quality time than I ever have since my honeymoon with my husband. It's nice but time for him to start writing his dissertation. In between all that I am job hunting. I've had some interviews and more on that later. Drew is playing basketball which he enjoys and I am reading lots of books. It's hot. Very hot. I've been trying out some new recipes from a cookbook the church gave me when we left. Oh, and we've found a new church and we're tryign to get acclimated to that as well as everything else. We've been experiencing some culture shock really. I can't wait to get a regular schedule in my life. However, once that happens I'll probably get used to my life of luxury. It's nice ot go to Dunkin Donuts and read the paper.

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