Thursday, September 24, 2009

Quick Update

It's been hectic around here. Drew worked 3 nights this week and it really makes a huge difference when he is gone at night. In laws are here which has been great fun. Too bad I have to work. They'll be leaving on Monday so we'll have all weekend to spend together. We plan on going to Buffalo to shop. I was hoping to squeeze in a leaves tour as well but we had a warm spell this week so they haven't changed yet. I bet by Thanksgiving (canadian one) they'll be perfect and we can take a scenic drive. We can't seem to convince them to stay that long.

Kids have the day off tomorrow so I am looking forward to not having to make lunches. I truly detest making lunches. It would be much easier if there was something Leo could eat or would eat. I'm trying to fatten him up a bit so I've increased his oreo dosage to 3. Mazie was pissed. Such is life around here. Both kids are doing well though.

I'm still settling in to the new work routine and learning the ropes. I've learned that there are over 100 different routes I can take to and from work and they all take me an hour. I also leared there are about 10 gas stations on the way and they are all on the other side of the street. getting up really early does cut down on traffic but it also increases my caffeine intake. Which is worse- caffeine and all the cream and sugar I add to my coffee or high blood pressure from the traffic? Plus, I am NOT a morning person. Turns out I need some high security clearance which involves fingerprints from the FBI being that I am American and all so its holding things up considerably. I am trying to be patient and not form any opinions based on the fact that I am still bored to death and even worse, don't have access to personal email or facebook. Gasp! I'm not sure how I'm going to keep up my farmville or this blog. It's 9:28 and the kids are in bed so I have just a few more minutes and I'm going to use them up on the most awesome book I'm ready that I never have time for anymore either. The weather has been so nice that I've replaced my lunch hour booktime for walking which I know is much better for me but not as fun. Oh well, it will start snowing soon enough and those will stop.

I am sure I'm boring you to death and half my readership is right here so they don't need an update.

Good night


  1. Hey! I'm not there and I need updates! So, you'll be celebrating your M-I-L's birthday there? I had been told they'd be leaving on Saturday but it's certainly no surprise that they're staying longer.;)
    Have your fingerprints been sent to the FBI or do you have to be fingerprinted by the FBI? Probably just have to be sure you're who you say you are and not some international cat burglar. What's the awesome book? xoxox

  2. Peace Like a River - Love it.
    Paige's U/S is Monday morning so they'll leave right afterwards.
