Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Actual Day

As you may know, Mazie has had strep twice this year and most recently an ear infection. That came after her upper respiratory something or other she had which ended up with her on asthma medication due to her severe cough. She came down with the stomach flu on Thursday night after eating dumplings. THat was fun. She puked all night and still doesn't have her appetite back yet. Leo said his tummy hurt this morning but I wasn't sure if he just didn't want to go to church. Nope. He was clearly sick all through SUnday school but luckily waited to get home before puking. We took a bowl with us and as a soon as he stepped foot in the door he blew. I don't feel too hot myself but I still went ahead with little smokies (which really aren't little smokies and aren't as good as the real thing at all) and appetizers for the Dayton race which is really boring since they have been fixing the track for the last hour. I had a great snooze though. I am glad to have off tomorrow. I need a break. we planned on grilling out and playing games iwth the upstairs neighbors. We'll have to see if any of us are still up for it.
I don't ever expect anything for Valentines Day and I don't give anything either (although I did make a card for the family in Sunday school this morning with the pretty doilies) but I am sort of wishing I had some chocolate right now.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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