Monday, March 1, 2010

Happy March

I am so excited to say that we survived February. For those of you who don't live in the Great White North, you may not think that this is an amazing feat but believe me, it is. When November rolled around I was so scared about the coming winter. It means staying indoors for long periods of time. Our basement is small and dark and I wasn't looking forward to it. Luckily the winter wasn't too bad in terms of snow but it is still very gray and gloomy most of the time and of course, cold. By February everyone has the blues and we are all very crabby and sick of eachother. ON Sunday morning Drew said he smelled a skunk when he went out to scrape off the ice on the windshield before church. You know what that means?! SPRING! And then on my way to work this morning I saw a little squirrel run across the road. Another sure sign. I am so happy today. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. It is coming and we survived. I hope I don't have to try to go another winter though. Each one seems to get harder and harder. I've begun to take more Vitamin D as I have been extremely sluggish and I stopped walking because it is just too darn cold and my snow boots were giving me a blister anyway. I might start up again soon. Maybe when it gets above freezing.

Happy March everyone!

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