Saturday, April 25, 2009

Chewing Gum

Today Leo had choir rehearsal and locked himself in the bathroom because he didn't want to go. He has not really embraced choir the way we hoped but he did stick it out for the year as we asked. He has decided not to audition for next year. He instead wants to be in the scouts or take cooking classes. In any case, he has one more Wednesday night rehearsal and then 2 mroe concerts and he's done. We decided to take him to McDonalds today after rehearsal and since it was a beautiful day we took the subway and ended up walking a few blocks to McDonalds. This is the conversation that took place:
"Mom, what are all these black dots on teh sidewalk?"
"Which ones?"
"These ones here and all over the place."
"Oh, that's gum."
"Ew, why would someone chew black gum?"

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