Friday, April 17, 2009

The First Day of the Rest of My Life

Our Yahoo blog wasn't really working out so well so I did some research and decided to switch it up. Welcome! I really wasn't sure if I would even continue a blog but was encouraged to do so by my husband so I did. Perhaps I'll let him be a guest blogger from time to time. I spend my entire time at work online in front of a computer screen and really would prefer to be out hiking rather than blogging. My eyes are starting to hurt and I wonder what all this radiation or whatever comes out of this screen is doing to my body. But, alas, I am stuck for the time being so I might as well do something useful like create a blog, right? I feel inundated by technology as I am sure some of you can relate. I've got 4 email accounts, a facebook account, a blog, and about 5 remote controls. Luckily I don't yet own a cell phone. I've been trying to resist for years. I owned one way back when I was living in California. It has a huge klunker of a thing and I hated that anyone could get in contact with me at anytime. I also had a pager and was paged at all times so right now I enjoy my freedom. I hope to get a second car before getting a cell phone actually. In reality I'd like to stick with one car. It makes more sense financially for sure and is also greener but with our hectic schedules it seems inevitable. Oh how I yearn for the slow life sipping iced tea on the front porch. Not that I've ever done that or anything.

I'm glad you are here. I'll work on trying to make my site all artsy and such and try to add some pictures as well but give me some time okay?


  1. I am with you girl! That Yahoo 360 was SOOOO slow some days. Welcome to Blogspot! Hope all is well with you and the family, Love Teri

  2. welcome...I feel like I have neglected mine so now I'll have to keep up!
