Thursday, April 23, 2009

Earth Day

Pretty much I like Earth Day is all a bunch of politically correct who- ha. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't think it's a bad day or there shouldn't be a day we think about our earth but I think most companies use it to get on people's good side. Obviously my son's school is one of them. He knew about Earth Day as he kept asking me how many days until Earth Day and counting down so he must have heard something about it at school. When I asked him if they did anything special he was thoroughly disappointed. He figured they would have gone out and picked up trash or something. He then proceeded to tell Drew that when he grows up he wants to be a garbage man so that he can help the earth. Thatta boy! What a vocational goal! He asked Drew if they could start picking up trash in the park on the way to school. Drew is less than thrilled about this prospect.

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