Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Argh! Ahoy Matey's

Yesterday a letter was found for Leo and Mazie in our mailbox from "3 Lazy Pirates." They said that they overheard Drew and I talking about our vacation in the park and because we were so careless, wanted to give Leo and Mazie some clues. The kids unscrambled the first word...."The" According to Leo, possibilities included "The California or The New York."

Today another note was left in Mazie's bike basket and they have now unscrambled the word "happiest."

The children are busy trying to figure out who these pirates are and what these clues are all about. Mom is busy trying to keep a straight face all the while dodging the question "are you the tooth fairy?" It's tough work being a parent.

1 comment:

  1. Tooth fairy answer (used and proven to work for a while anyway - I've embellished on what I used to say, because I'm much more clever now [right, I wish])...

    "What? Do I look crazy? (don't answer that!)... why would I give you MONEY for a TOOTH? Jeez... Am I made of money? Look how many teeth you have!!!"
