Monday, July 20, 2009


It always seems that the best conversations happen at dinner. Too bad I don't eat dinner with my laptop. Therefore I need to invent something that would allow direct access from my dinner table to the computer for your reading pleasure. My kids are happily gobbling up their hamburgers (they were too dry for my husband's tastes). (Side note - he has just informed me that he did not say they were too dry. He really didn't but I know he prefers them medium rare. I just don't have that talent) Leo just had his first cheeseburger and we all toasted to it. Of course it was veggie cheese but still, he likes it. Mazie has asked for dessert - skittles with whip cream on it. That would be a no.

This weekend was the Greek Fest and we spent Friday night, Sunday night, and Drew and the kids spent today there as well. They picked me up from work which was a realy treat to be able to drive home in traffic with them instead of all alone. During our drive Mazie kept asking if we could listen the Bat Girl song. She's been asking for this for days now and finally I wanted to get to the bottom of it. What exactly is the Bat Girl song? She insisted Drew had it on his IPOD. Leo insisted there is no song for Bat Girl - it's Batman and she's just a helper and younger than Batman. We finally figured out (actually it was me because I speak 5 year old) that she was asking for Hollerback girl by Gwen Stefani. Drew says no- it has too many bad words in it. Leo says he knows all the bad words including the "O" one which is Oh My God! Mazie wonders outloud if you learn more and more bad words as you get older. She doesn't know any. My sweet sweet girl.

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