Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Once a Year

First of all I want to start by stating that I finally took some pics of Leo at soccer and posted them. It only took me a few months. I forgot to mention that Mazie lost her tooth on the way to church on Sunday. It's been 4 days now and I still haven't taken a pic. I think the minute Leo lost his I took a pic. It really does suck to be a second born doesn't it? I'm going to commit to doing that tomorrow. I would do it now that I'm thinking of it but she's in bed and i don't want to wake her.

Leo had his yearly allergy test today. Usually they just prick it but this doctor uses an actual needle and really pulls at the skin. No wonder Leo didn't want to go. Plus, he cried. I can't even watch so I don't blame him. He showed a bigger allergy to milk than he ever has before. I didn't cry though for the first time. I was expecting it given the accident we had a few months ago. So, he's still wearing his medic alert bracelet and we are still carrying epi pens. Leo doesn't seem to care and i'm looking on the bright side that at least he is ineligible for the armed forces. We took him to McDonald's and we also took advantage of the warm summer day and went to 7-11 for Slurpees. What a party!

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