Monday, January 18, 2010

My Boyfriend Smells Like Soggy Weiners

Can you tell my 6 year old Mazie is in drama> Try it. Next time someone asks you what your boyfriend smells like, reply with a straight face "my boyfriend smells like soggy weiners." Can you do it? My little Mazie can. This dinner conversation is going downhill real fast. It's one that really can take off with a 7 year old boy. Needless to say, Mazie is enjoying drama and I think doing well. Next week she gets her script.


  1. The "Before During After" photos are great. Oh the price of beauty! I'm NOT commenting on the line of the day. However, afraid I might have to cave in to the facebook thing just so I can find out what your crowns are all about! What happened to Drew's hair. We were all exclaiming about his long locks in the Christmas photo and now there's nothing under the crown? XOXOX

  2. To save you from FB I'll let you knwo there is no info on the crowns. They are from MCd's - Mazie's bday party. You are right, he is bald as a baby. Drew says Nancy never got her ears pierced. Is that true? Would explain her reaction about the after pic. LOL I think it's a classic Martha face to be honest.

  3. Thanks, I like the crowns. Maybe we can go there for my birthday this year. Nancy's ears are now pierced but it took a LONG time and was done after Drew was out of the house, I'm sure. Grandma was distraught cuz she thought Mazie was in pain. Hugs & Kisses.
