Friday, January 15, 2010

We're at it again

Mazie started mentioning her throat hurt and of course her tummy hurts. Her tummy seems to hurt on a daily basis so I'm not sure where to go with that other than I am afriad she might have inherited her dad's genes. But when I looked at her throat today her tonsils were ginormous. I decided to keep her home from school and poor Drew was so sad because he was really looking foward to an entire day of reading for his comps. Seems they always get pushed aside as something always comes up. I went in for half a day and then took Mazie to the clinic (ped never called despite our messages). She does in fact have strep throat again. She's dancing all over the house though so really its hard to know what's up with her. LUckily I'm her mom and I can sense when somethings off. Remember the first half of her life? I had 12 sick days per year and so did Drew and between the 2 of us we used them all! So I didn't feel too badly taking off 1/2 day. We're going to skip the ear piercing tonight though. I'm beginning to feel under the weather (shared ice cream with her at Boston Pizza on Wednesday night). Poor Leo is feeling neglected. I am not cooking dinner and made him eat Ramen and Hot Dogs! Gasp. I guess I don't get mother of the year this time around either. Even worse I didn't give anything to Mazie. She isn't hungry but you know what? She weiged in at 48 lbs at the doctor so she'll survive a missed meal. If she weighs 4 lbs less on our scale at home does that mean I really weigh 4 lbs more? That's pretty unfair if it does.

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