Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Start of Something New

Tonight is Leo's first night of soccer. Remember way back in December when I had to front $250 for this soccer registration which begins in May? Well, it's here! I was told he has an excellent coach who is a "real soccer player." That's a fantastic start. The free cletes we got back in December still fit him so that's another plus. We picked up some shin guards and Leo tried them on and didn't have any major objections. We'll see how it goes when he actually wears them tonight. The shin guards were the entire reason Mazie opted out of this whole soccer business. LOL Practice is from 6:30 -7 and then games are from 7-8. I was a little disappointed to learn that it's 5 on 5 instead of an actual real game but I suppose it will be just fine. It's very close which is so nice after having to drive an hour to choir all year. I am looking forward to bringing our beach chairs and sitting on this side lines and watching although the coach knows that I used to play and that I've coached before so I might be called upon to help out. However, the coach doesn't know that I am way out of shape and not the same soccer goddess that I used to be. LOL Leo is excited which is the best and has only expressed the slightest apprehension about being shy around new kids. I hope he knows some kids. Maybe next year Mazie will want to join too.

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