Sunday, May 31, 2009


It's 8:45 and it's still light out. It makes it very hard to put the kids to bed when its still light. I'm exhausted and it's been a long day. I'm off to clean out the car though so Drew can take it and a few of the council members tomorrow to St. Catherines for the Clergy/Lay conference. It's going to be a long few days without him.

I remember when we lived downtown and we would put the kids to bed at night after washing them up. They would get so dirty down at the playground. Then they would lay in bed and listen to the kids still outside playing. We no longer have that issue. it's very quiet when they go to bed but it's still light out. I love the long summer days though so I can't complain. However, it was only 11 degrees today and it was cold. My friend told me it snowed today at her trailer up north. Huh.


  1. maybe I'm crazy (maybe, I shouldn't say maybe) - but here's a thought or two:
    uh, Drew can clean the car since he's going to use it (unless YOU were the messer-upper, I guess)... and if he wasn't sure if it was really Paige and Jason, maybe HE should have gone up to check. Boys.

    Take some time for yourself so you don't get sick from being too tired!

    Mazie looked cute in her rhythmic gymnastics photos! I hope she enjoys it!

    Note: boys are always hungry (at least the ones I've lived with)... Leo is probably getting ready for a growth spurt! Take care...

  2. I suppose I should clarify. hehe I was "helping" Drew clean out the car. The messer uppers were and always are the kids. Babies, pencils, wands, stickers, McDonald's junk, etc.

    As for Leo, he is definately having a growth spurt although I also know that he equates "mom" with "food." Perhaps I am not such a proponent of breast feeding these days. Not that I still nurse him. LOL I just think he got the wrong idea from an early age. The kid wakes up and immediately wants to eat. When I walk in the door at night he asks what's for dinner. If he does't get dessert he cries.

    Good to hear. Desperately awaiting for the big decision news this morning.
