Monday, May 11, 2009

A Few of My Favorite Things

My parents left today after having been with us for the last week and a half so rather than recap our entire visit together, I thought I would post the things the kids shared at dinner tonight. I asked them what their favorite part of having Grandma and Grandpa visit and this is what they said:

Going to the Nascar speedpark

Going to Mandarin for dinner

Going to Ottawa and having time to look at the flowers together

Them watching us while mom and dad went out with their friends in Ottawa

Grandpa making me paper airplanes

Not having to go to school in the morning with Leo since Grandma could watch me

Grandma doing dishes, mopping the floor, doing laundry and changing Leo's sheets (Leo says she is the Queen of nice)

Grandpa fixing everything like the hole in our wall and our fence and cleaning out the garage with daddy.

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