Thursday, June 25, 2009

So Much To Say

Today is the last day of school for the kids. Leo survived grade 1 and in fact is having a little difficult with the idea that school is over for the summer. He already misses his teacher. Next year he will either be in a 1/2 split or a 2/3. We'll have to see what they decide. He got his report card and it has improved in most everything. He got all A's and B's. I was a bit perplexed that his music grade went down from a B to a B-. Not sure how a kid in the most prominent choir in the GTA could not get an A in choir. Mazie doesn't get grades; they just write a bunch of gobbly gook and give suggestions for things to work on over the summer. There is a possiblity that she may get Leo's teacher next year and be in a SK/1 split. That would be interesting.

In any case, summer is upon us. I came home to daddy and the kids doing crafts at the table. He is inspired to start an adventure club with them and make the summer fun. We spent $75 on ink today so that they could print the pictures from their adventures over the summer. I suppose that is still cheaper than camp, eh? We also picked up some playdoh and markers for something to do. I caved and let them each pick out a Playmobil toy. It seems that this always revives their old playmobil set and they can have hours of fun with it.

So after going out to get some dinner, a few t-shirts for Leo who has finally outgrown his size 4 shirts, some sandals for Leo, and toys mentioned above, I was saddened to hear about Micheal Jackson's death. I am completely surprised by how emotional I felt. I suppose it's more becuase it was a big piece of my childhood. I remember watching Thriller on MTV about a million times and rockin out to all the tunes. They are playing them non stop on the radio which is so cool! I feel like I should just drive around all night and listen in the car with the windows down. It sure would be cooler that way.

We aren't using the A/C although we desperately need it. It doesn't seem to cool down the upstairs at all and it freezes us out here in basement so much that we keep asking them to turn it down. They are in hell up there. Paige came down to our bathroom this mornign to do her makeup since she couldn't stop sweating up there. We just decided to save some money and aggravation and turn it off.

I have worked up quite the sweat though becuase upon our arrival at home I looked down to see a split open mouse with guts pouring out and a detached tail. Luckily Drew took care of the body and I was only left with the tail which I could handle. I did however have to mop the kitchen floor. It needed it anyway but not exactly what I wanted to be doing at 9:30 at night.

We're looking forward to the weekend. We've got Ribfest which is always awesome. the south brings forth all its glory up here to the North that knows nothing about southern cookin and it's fabulous. Drew is going to be on a radio show on Saturday morning. He asked me to come along since its a spot about our conversion to Orthodoxy. Nothing panics me more than the thought of sitting next to my incredibly well spoken husband and discussing religion - the topic of his dissertation. So, I passed. I had visions of Bobby Brady. We're hoping to get a swim in at the local pool and who knows what else. Unfortunately Canada Day falls on Wednesday, July 1. i don't have off on Thursday and fireworks don't start until well after 10:00. That will be interesting.

Good night for now. Rest in peace Farah Fawcett and Michael Jackson, the king of pop. I can remember playing Charlie's Angels every Sunday night at Borchard park as a kid while my mom played softball. We'd go climb a few plum trees and eat them and get juice all over our hands and arms and then go fight the bad guys. Ah, the good ol' days.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Mazie's been talking a lot lately about jail and crime and police and anything related. SO it was no surprise when after seeing UP in 3D she had questions about the main character who hit someone and made the man bleed and then had to go see the judge. She wanted to know what exactly goes down in a courtroom. I was hoping my answers were preparing her for a future career in law so I taught her the terms guilty and innocent. She asked if she could just say "I did it." I wondered if she had something to hide at that point. SHe insisted she doesn't. I then wondered if she thought I was going to jail for some reason. So, it was only appropo when on Sunday morning I found out that yet again, someone had stolen our ATM info and is now $500 richer. THis isn't the first time this has happened. No, my card wasn't stolen but I was notified on Friday that they shut down my card due to suspected fraud. Not sure how it all works. I just know that I went to Mr. Souvlaki for lunch and couldn't use my card until I visited the ATM to change my PIN. So when I checked my account online on Sunday and saw that $500 was taken out of the ATM she was intrigued. Leo just kept saying he wanted to find them and punch their faces. I am hoping we can get it all straightened out at the bank today. I just don't understand why this happens so much more in Canada than the U.S. Never once did this happen to me in the U.S. I lived there for 33 years. It's happened twice here and once to a friend of mine here as well. Drew's theory, and he might be right, is that they just simply don't prosecute as much here. I just hope I get my money back. I even had a supposedly new smart chip that was designed to prevent this thing. Going back to UP, please remind me the next time I want to see a 3D movie that it just isn't a good idea. While I think it is really cool, and I'll definately be tempted to see Toy Story 3 in 3D, it strains my eyes like there is no tomorrow. I had to keep closing them and then taking off the glasses and watching the show in blurry.
On to other news, I found a cooking blog that is just fantastic. It's called Our Best Bites. I've made several things off it that are just wonderful. I wish I had the artistic ability to make a cooking blog that could support my lifestyle. THese 2 mom's have done it. I made their Jambalaya last night and it was awesome. I also highly suggest the Thai beef skewers. Yum!
Our first day of summer yesterday was fantastic! COuldn't have asked for more perfect weather and it's predicted to be in the high 20's this week. I drove by the big snow mound that they make each winter along the Allen. It was considerable smaller today. I wanted to show it to Drew because he doesn't believe me that it is snow. It really truly looks like a big pile of dirt. I also thought about Christmas and how I used to long for a white Christmas. 3 winters here though and I think if we had a warm California like Christmas I would be just fine this year.
The kids get out of school this week and I am frightened. THey have been such a handful lately. Leo always used to be a handful. It was expected. However, just recently I was thinking to myself how he is so much easier now that he is older. What was I thinking?! I completely asked for it by doing that. He has a reputation to uphold and now he is back with a vengeance, mostly trying to make life for his little sister miserable. Don't get me wrong, they are best of buds. It's sort of a love/hate relationship if you know what I mean? Drives me nuts. Come Sunday night, I need a vacation from them. I don't know Drew is going to do this with the kids 24/7 for the next 2 months stuck at home w/o a car. Deep breaths.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Isn't It Ironic

Happy Anniversary

Congrats go out to Aunt Donna and Uncle Mike, Dennis and Teri, and Paul and Molly for your wedding anniversary. Seems like June is the month to get married! Please let me know if you did anything special. Perhaps I can live vicariously through you. We have no plans this week and P and J will be out of town so no chance of a babysitter either. It's ok by me though.
Many of you commented on the dehumidifier. First, I have to let you know that it was a few spots of mold beginning to grow. I cleaned right away as soon as I noticed it. THat was just in case you pictured our bathroom ceiling looking like a cave or something. It's pearly white now. We do have a dehumidifier/A/C but we let the upstairs neighbors use it. It gets really hot upstairs so if they use the portable A/C instead or turning on the central A/C it saves a ton on energy and our bills. Plus, it's still very cool in our basement and we'd get frozen out if they turned on the A/C now.
We ended up doing pretty much nothing all weekend. We were just too lazy to do anything on Saturday and ended up staying home and playing games. I suppose this is better than going out and spening a lot of money. We did take a walk around the block with the dog. Mazie couldn't make it, started having a coughing fit, and Drew had to carry her home. She gets very tired out easily and coughing all night doesn't help. We've decided to keep her home from school again tomorrow and hopefully she can return on Thursday. THere is only 1 week of school remaining.
Another few items mentioned in the comments was Zyrtec which is not available here. I've checked. P and J are going to the US this weekend. I think I'll have them pick some up as well as graham crackers. We're trying to cut down on PopTarts due to the sugar content. The other thing was a pawn shop. You know, I've never seen one here? They must have them though. I'm going to check this out. Not that I want anything from one - I'm more likely to find something useful at Value Village or Once Upon a Child these days. I'm just curious to know if they exist up here.
Happy MOnday everyone. Is this going to be the week that I find a job where I don't dread waking up and going to each and every morning? I usually start out Mondays feeling pretty hopeful and I must admit that for the last few Friday's I've driven home in the traffic with tears streaming down my face for another week has gone by and nothing. It is frustration beyond belief. But for now, I've got my coffee and my morning glory and my pants are slightly loose this morning - the sun is shining.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


I am hoping our bad luck has changed. Drew was able to get our computer fixed and it was only about $150. which is a lot better than having to buy a brand new computer. Fortunately, nothing was lost. Mazie seems to be getting better although she still has a horrible cough. She felt so good last night that she was running around playing spys with Leo. I knew something was wrong when Leo came running in and grabbed Mazie's water cup and left. I could tell on his face and went to see what was up. Mazie was sitting on the ground trying to breathe with tears streaming down her face. She was having a horrible coughing fit. I screamed for Drew and ran downstairs to get her nebulizer which we haven't used in a long time. Luckily there was some albuterol in there. It was expired but it did the trick this time. We had planned to go to the beach but we didn't tell the upstairs neighbors that this meant getting up early so we could beat the crowds. it didn't happen which is ok since it is suddenly cloudy again. Welcome to Toronto folks. After sitting around wondeirng what to do, hiking, picnic, UP in 3D for $55, Hamilton WingFest, etc. Drew left to go to the grocery store. We set on hiking and then I remembered the sick girl and decided that probably wasn't the best idea. I think we might try the wing fest in Hamilton.
So, today turns out to be a somewhat lazy day although I did manage to wash off all the mold on the ceiling in case that is what is causing Mazie to be so sick. Most likely it's H1N1 though. Before you say gross - mold.... you were aware that we live in a basement right? Well, get over it.

Tomorrow is Leo's soccer pictures. Let's hope it doesn't rain. Thunderstorms are predicted. But I think our bad luck is over for now.

Next Friday is my 10 year wedding anniversary. 10 years ago I thought to myself, "in 10 years I hope to get a beautiful ring for my anniversary." I figured for sure in 10 years we would have enough money for that. I change my mind and now I hope that for my 25 year anniversary I can get a beautiful ring.

I need ideas for father's day. Since the kids were born I've done gifts with either their picture or handprint or both. Mostly it's been pictures in special frames, etc. Last year I did a garden stone with their handprints on it. I don't know what to do this year. I'm out of creative ideas so if you have any, please let me know.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

String of Bad Luck

As if the side view mirror falling off, the WII remote breaking the tv, or the blowing up of the computer weren't bad enough, Mazie is now sick. We got a call from a friend yesterday stating she was very sick and they had tested her for H1N1. She's a nurse so I figure that's the reason she was able to get tested. SHe also happens to be the person Mazie has spent several days with recently. Right after her call to see how everyone was doing, sure enough, Mazie had a fever. So the nurse friend tells us to take her directly to the ER if she gets a high fever and cough. Hang up - Mazie starts to cough. Deep cough. She woke up fine today so it seemed we were in the clear. No need to go to the dr. Drew just called to say she is coughing up a storm and perhaps we should take her to the doc. I call the doc and he's not taking any more patients today and if we want to come tomorrow we have to play beat the clock and call in much like you do a radio show and try to be the first caller. It really doesn't matter because the receptionist told us they won't swab there anyway - they are only swabbing at the ER. ON the news they say they are treating all patients with flu like symptoms as if they have H1N1 and sending them home to rest and drink water. So for now, we won't bother with seeking medical attention and stick to the motrin and try not to panic.

Luckily Drew was able to contact a neighbor and ask her to pick up Leo. I just recently had a talk with him about not going anywhere with strangers. She's not a stranger but still - she doesn't usually pick him up. Drew did call the school to let them know to release him to the neighbor so hopefully they will pass that message on to him. Drew didn't really want to drag Mazie to school with him to infect all the other kiddos. I hope my poor baby feels better soon. She had to miss primary play day today which she was so much looking forward to. She'll have to miss class tomorrow too and she only has 6 more days left until summer.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to sit at work and wonder how she's doing all the while i want to be home giving her gatorade and cuddling with her on the couch?! This is one crazy society we live in. Don't even get me started. I don't want to go there. Sure she is with her daddy and well taken care of but it's a mommy's instinct to want to make it better. Yet, here I sit playing bejeweled trying to beat my high score of 39,000.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Just another manic Monday

How many blogs out there do you think start with this each Monday? I bet about a million. HOwever, it clearly explains my day so far and it's only 9:15 am. I woke up panicked that the alarm didn't go off. Surely it can't be this light out at 6:40 I thought. Good to know that it is and I didn't sleep until 8. I got all dressed and then turned on the weather channel only to find the high today is going to be 14 and rain! Must change only I had nothing to wear. Story of my life. There was an accident on the 401 but luckily it was cleared by the time I hit the road however there was still a lot of backup. I was late to work and I'm trying to cut back on the amount of coffee I inject so I sat there on the 401 with nothing to sip. Tragedy! I knew I should've stopped at the McDonald's for an iced coffee! I couldn't find a parking space at work. What else is new? I am more late. Then about 5 minutes later I got a call from Drew saying his computer won't turn on. He opened it up and discovered where that burning smell came from yesterday. Well great. Gotta love MOndays.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

I'm Moving to Cookstown

As you all know the Maxwell family loves to garage sale and so does the Raetz family. Jason is away this weekend so we decided to hold off on our beach trip until next weekend so he can join us. Paige suggested we go to Cookstown because she heard they have a thing called Wing Ding once a year and basically the entire town does a garage sale. It's about 40 minutes north of us so we mosied on over this morning. It was the best! If I had a fun job, my life would have been 100% complete (oh and a size 6 bikini body wouldn't hurt). The town is pretty typical small town quaintish with an ice cream shop, a bakery, a little coffee shop and lots of antique stores. However, there were litterally hundreds of yards sale and interspersed were a few craft booths as well. It was a dream come true. But the best part was the houses. They were so old fashioned with porches and wild flower gardens. I fell in love and I'm headed off to to check out home prices. Perhaps they have a basement apt. we could rent next year. Leo got a toy soldier from a collectibles store and the owner gave Mazie a free Christmas ornament. They had a Christmas store but I refused to go in. I was after all, garage sale shopping on this day. I bet it was cute though. I'll have to remember to go back soon. Leo also got a Hot Wheels and branched out and got a motorcycle this time instead of a race car. Mazie got a book and get this - a Barbie boat! It was only $4.00! I got a bunch of homemade rhubarb and a recipe for rhubarb cake all for $1.50. I've got the cake in the oven right now. I'll let you all know how it tastes later. We had some hotdogs and pizza and icecream. I got seriously sun burned on my scalp. I'm really afraid of how that's going to turn out. We forgot our hats and sunscreen and really shouldn't have done that because it was the most beautiful day of the year so far. The kids fell asleep on the way home and now are conked out on the couch watching Rugrats go to Paris. It was a beautiful day and now I've got some home searching to do. You should google it.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Soccer Day II

So I am not sure which is worse, sitting with the parents or coaching the kids. I made the mistake of telling the coach when he called that I had played soccer since I was 4 and that I had the experience of coachign for 8 year old girls and also a high school team in the past. I said I was willing to help out on occassion. Well, that occassion came y'day when he asked if I would help with the substitutions and talking to the kids on the sidelines about their role. Unfortunately Drew wasn't there so I had Mazie literally hanging on my shirt tails. These kids were a nightmare. They had potty mouths like you wouldn't believe and were incredibly disrespectful. I raised my voice on several occassions and they just would not respond. At one point a bunch of them decided they had to go potty. I suggested they go over to the outhouse that was available but about 5 or 6 of them went behind the tree about 10 feet away. They just dropped trou and pulled it out and went. THey literally had a pissing contest and just about pee'd all over my stuff that was sitting next to the tree. ONe kid came back and complained that another kid (MItchell) had peed all over his shirt. Indeed, the entire shirt was wet in the back. I was appalled. It's not surprising though considering who their parents are. The brat level of the kid directely correlated with the irritation level of the parent. NO scientific study needed there. It took me several hours after getting home to get my blood pressure down. I was boiling. Poor Leo said, "see mom I told you there were bad." I felt like pulling him out right then and there. I don't want that sort of influence on my child. I was kissing him all night and so proud of how well behaved he is. This is going to be an interesting summer at the soccer field.