Saturday, June 13, 2009


I am hoping our bad luck has changed. Drew was able to get our computer fixed and it was only about $150. which is a lot better than having to buy a brand new computer. Fortunately, nothing was lost. Mazie seems to be getting better although she still has a horrible cough. She felt so good last night that she was running around playing spys with Leo. I knew something was wrong when Leo came running in and grabbed Mazie's water cup and left. I could tell on his face and went to see what was up. Mazie was sitting on the ground trying to breathe with tears streaming down her face. She was having a horrible coughing fit. I screamed for Drew and ran downstairs to get her nebulizer which we haven't used in a long time. Luckily there was some albuterol in there. It was expired but it did the trick this time. We had planned to go to the beach but we didn't tell the upstairs neighbors that this meant getting up early so we could beat the crowds. it didn't happen which is ok since it is suddenly cloudy again. Welcome to Toronto folks. After sitting around wondeirng what to do, hiking, picnic, UP in 3D for $55, Hamilton WingFest, etc. Drew left to go to the grocery store. We set on hiking and then I remembered the sick girl and decided that probably wasn't the best idea. I think we might try the wing fest in Hamilton.
So, today turns out to be a somewhat lazy day although I did manage to wash off all the mold on the ceiling in case that is what is causing Mazie to be so sick. Most likely it's H1N1 though. Before you say gross - mold.... you were aware that we live in a basement right? Well, get over it.

Tomorrow is Leo's soccer pictures. Let's hope it doesn't rain. Thunderstorms are predicted. But I think our bad luck is over for now.

Next Friday is my 10 year wedding anniversary. 10 years ago I thought to myself, "in 10 years I hope to get a beautiful ring for my anniversary." I figured for sure in 10 years we would have enough money for that. I change my mind and now I hope that for my 25 year anniversary I can get a beautiful ring.

I need ideas for father's day. Since the kids were born I've done gifts with either their picture or handprint or both. Mostly it's been pictures in special frames, etc. Last year I did a garden stone with their handprints on it. I don't know what to do this year. I'm out of creative ideas so if you have any, please let me know.


  1. I'd hate to admit it but I am totally out of ideas too! And never mind that our wedding anniversay is the day after yours. 11 years!!! And yes, I too have shelved the idea of a pretty ring until maybe our 50th! I am hoping that letting him play computer games all day and nap will do the trick!!

  2. Today is our 39th wedding anniversary. Take it from me, a pretty ring ain't what it's all about, really! Kathy, maybe you should get a dehumidifier for a Father's Day/Anniversary gift to see if it would help get rid of the mold on the ceiling. (Gross!) Or, maybe you already have one? That's about it for creative. Hugs! XOXO

  3. Hope Mazie feels better soon - I agree, does sound like H1N1 - but it tends to KICK ones fanny, so watch that she doesn't do too much when she THINKS she feels better. I agree with your other friend that posted - a dehumidifier is a must-purchase for basement dwellers in cold or humid climates. Mazie(or the rest of you) may be sensitive to mold, but it is most likely her illness is causing the cough and asthma (happens to me EVERY time). One thing that helps me keep it in control is a nasal rinse - they come in bottles or netty pots - you add salt (kosher) or little packets you can buy. It is gross, but very helpful. A daily Zyrtec also helps. I use the generic brand (can't remember the name) and it was only about $10 for 100 at the drugstore. USUALLY doesn't make me sleepy. Beats Benadryl - which I'll take at night only.

    Happy Anniversary! Give it up on the ring - I have (21 years later - although this year, your brother came through with diamond stud earrings! I saw them [in all places] a pawn shop - thought they were cheap, so he went back and got them for me!).

    And, sorry, no hot ideas for Father's Day - do a search on the internet for Father's Day crafts for kids - you'll get lots of ideas. I guess I have one idea: How about you and the kids getting scrapbook stuff and photos and making him an album complete with all the fun papers and stuff?

    Enjoy your week. Hope it gets warmer - we've had JUNE GLOOM here - however, today there is sun! Teri

  4. OOOH - another idea - how about collages or scrapbooks from the kids where each DESCRIBE their dad and/or how they feel about him? If you don't want to spend scrapbook money, have them do collages from magazine pictures and/or regular photos you have... remembering stuff they've done with Dad or that Dad has done for them - or just what describes Dad. Anyway - just a thought. I know you'll come up with something wonderful.
