Monday, June 8, 2009

Just another manic Monday

How many blogs out there do you think start with this each Monday? I bet about a million. HOwever, it clearly explains my day so far and it's only 9:15 am. I woke up panicked that the alarm didn't go off. Surely it can't be this light out at 6:40 I thought. Good to know that it is and I didn't sleep until 8. I got all dressed and then turned on the weather channel only to find the high today is going to be 14 and rain! Must change only I had nothing to wear. Story of my life. There was an accident on the 401 but luckily it was cleared by the time I hit the road however there was still a lot of backup. I was late to work and I'm trying to cut back on the amount of coffee I inject so I sat there on the 401 with nothing to sip. Tragedy! I knew I should've stopped at the McDonald's for an iced coffee! I couldn't find a parking space at work. What else is new? I am more late. Then about 5 minutes later I got a call from Drew saying his computer won't turn on. He opened it up and discovered where that burning smell came from yesterday. Well great. Gotta love MOndays.

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