Monday, June 22, 2009


Mazie's been talking a lot lately about jail and crime and police and anything related. SO it was no surprise when after seeing UP in 3D she had questions about the main character who hit someone and made the man bleed and then had to go see the judge. She wanted to know what exactly goes down in a courtroom. I was hoping my answers were preparing her for a future career in law so I taught her the terms guilty and innocent. She asked if she could just say "I did it." I wondered if she had something to hide at that point. SHe insisted she doesn't. I then wondered if she thought I was going to jail for some reason. So, it was only appropo when on Sunday morning I found out that yet again, someone had stolen our ATM info and is now $500 richer. THis isn't the first time this has happened. No, my card wasn't stolen but I was notified on Friday that they shut down my card due to suspected fraud. Not sure how it all works. I just know that I went to Mr. Souvlaki for lunch and couldn't use my card until I visited the ATM to change my PIN. So when I checked my account online on Sunday and saw that $500 was taken out of the ATM she was intrigued. Leo just kept saying he wanted to find them and punch their faces. I am hoping we can get it all straightened out at the bank today. I just don't understand why this happens so much more in Canada than the U.S. Never once did this happen to me in the U.S. I lived there for 33 years. It's happened twice here and once to a friend of mine here as well. Drew's theory, and he might be right, is that they just simply don't prosecute as much here. I just hope I get my money back. I even had a supposedly new smart chip that was designed to prevent this thing. Going back to UP, please remind me the next time I want to see a 3D movie that it just isn't a good idea. While I think it is really cool, and I'll definately be tempted to see Toy Story 3 in 3D, it strains my eyes like there is no tomorrow. I had to keep closing them and then taking off the glasses and watching the show in blurry.
On to other news, I found a cooking blog that is just fantastic. It's called Our Best Bites. I've made several things off it that are just wonderful. I wish I had the artistic ability to make a cooking blog that could support my lifestyle. THese 2 mom's have done it. I made their Jambalaya last night and it was awesome. I also highly suggest the Thai beef skewers. Yum!
Our first day of summer yesterday was fantastic! COuldn't have asked for more perfect weather and it's predicted to be in the high 20's this week. I drove by the big snow mound that they make each winter along the Allen. It was considerable smaller today. I wanted to show it to Drew because he doesn't believe me that it is snow. It really truly looks like a big pile of dirt. I also thought about Christmas and how I used to long for a white Christmas. 3 winters here though and I think if we had a warm California like Christmas I would be just fine this year.
The kids get out of school this week and I am frightened. THey have been such a handful lately. Leo always used to be a handful. It was expected. However, just recently I was thinking to myself how he is so much easier now that he is older. What was I thinking?! I completely asked for it by doing that. He has a reputation to uphold and now he is back with a vengeance, mostly trying to make life for his little sister miserable. Don't get me wrong, they are best of buds. It's sort of a love/hate relationship if you know what I mean? Drives me nuts. Come Sunday night, I need a vacation from them. I don't know Drew is going to do this with the kids 24/7 for the next 2 months stuck at home w/o a car. Deep breaths.

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