Friday, October 9, 2009

Deep Breaths

I just got home in time to say good bye to Drew. He runs a Friday night teen thing at church. I'm trying to be supportive but its more than ideal on a friday night to have him running off when all I'd like to do is sit down on the couch and watch some tv with the family. Teens should be at the mall on Friday night anyway. Did I just say that? I guess I have to take it back.

It's raining and it took me an hour and 20 minutes to get home tonight. I actually sat on the road in the left hand turn lane trying to turn left for 30 minutes! I was screaming in my car because I was totally stuck and couldn't go any other way. I don't normally go this way but there was something happening at the Islamic cultural centre and cars were everywhere so I was trying to avoid that mess.

In addition to the commute, the rain also ruined my daily walk. Since my birthday at the beginning of the month I decided I needed to go on a diet. I've never done this before in my life but my winter clothes weren't fitting me and I knew it was time. I've been walking every lunch hour for 30 minutes since I began my new job last month. I've enjoyed this bit of it and I also started doing some strength exercises 2 x/week. I don't like this part but it doesn't take too long thankfully. The part I absolutely hate is the cutting back on food part. I feel like I'm starving at all times and that just really sucks! All I think about is eating which is the main reason I've never gone on a diet. Seems to make things worse. Let's not say diet - I'm trying a change in lifestyle. For life? Really, for life I can't eat fun things? This really sucks. Add to it that I LOVE to cook. It's really one of my only passions. And guess what? Tomorrow is Thanksgiving! It's really on Monday but Paige and Jason are leaving so we're doing it tomorrow while they are still in town. I'll try not to pig out. I still have to go to the grocery store and buy all the stuff. What a day tomorrow is going to be.

Mazie failed her eye exam at school today. That's not good considering she did the exam with her glasses on. I suppose we can expect to have to get new ones when she goes in a few weeks to the eye doctor. Fun stuff! Deep breaths.

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