Monday, October 26, 2009

What to do with Mazie Mazie Moo?

Yesterday I took her to the grocery store - actually we were there to get her glasses fixed - and she pulls out the cell phone that her Aunt Paige let her have. She proceeds to walk through the store and have a conversation. It all sounded so real too. The phone doesn't work. I was disturbed but chuckling at the same time. I can only imagine what people thought of me letting my 5 year old have a cell phone.

Today Drew tells me while they were at the clinic with Jason she was browsing through a magazine and came across a picture of a woman golfer in a pink shirt and says, "hm, I wonder if she is suffering from breast cancer." Drew explains that the pink is to show you support research to find a cure and she turns the page and there is a pink car and she says, "I wonder if the person who drives that car is suffering from breast cancer."

Tonight in the bath tub she was making me a guava smoothie. I am not sure how she knows about guava but even more puzzling was the way she was making it just as if it were a martini! Where has she seen someone make a martini?!

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