Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Where the Wild Things Are

Yesterday Drew had to go downtown so he dropped me off at work and I took the bus and subway home and he picked me up at the subway station with the kids. We decided to take them to see the new movie Where the Wild Things Are since it was 2 Toonie Tuesday. We didn't have time for dinner at home so we picked something up at the mall and met some friends of ours from school. It was a great movie but the best part of all was hearing leo yelling from behind me with his friends during the dirt clod fight, "cool...that's so awesome!" Mazie cried her eyes out. She was practically sobbing and it was the cutest thing ever. When we got home Paige and Jason were worried about us since it was bedtime and we hadn't yet come home from picking me up at the subway station. We obviously don't stay out too much on a weeknight. LOL

Drew got a call yesterday from immigration Canada apologizing for the oversight regarding the visitor's record and it looks like this thing is going to work itself out afterall! We'll see though.

I haven't updated as things have been pretty busy around here. Not much exciting busy but busy nonetheless (I just love that word). so busy in fact that I never play bejeweled or farmville much anymore. Usually its Leo on the computer playing bejeweled.

Its 7:17 am so I've got to wake the kids for school and get ready to head to work. I'll try to post more later.

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